The start of a new year always gives off this fresh and renewed feeling. Many of us are eager to set goals and new resolutions. When it comes to setting goals for your business, you probably want to grow and expand your business in some way.
The downside is that an overwhelming number of people don’t meet the goals they set each year and that can be a huge blow to your confidence and in some cases, your business. Ready to start off the new year right with a clean slate and actually crush your goals this time?
Here’s what you need to do.
Pinpoint What Went Wrong Previously
It’s important to reflect on your year and goal progress before you start setting new goals and expectations. Whether you met your goals or not, think about what contributed to your success or failure.
If anything went wrong, it’s important to acknowledge that factor whether it was lack of motivation, no accountability, too much on your plate, etc.
Set 1-3 Smart Goals
One of the most common reasons why people don’t meet their goals is because they set too many or ones that aren’t specific enough. It’s much more effective to set just a few specific goals then focus in on each one.
A popular goal-setting strategy is to use SMART goals which is an acronym that represents goals that are: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely. In other words, you want to address all of these categories when setting your goals this year.
Get Clear On Why You Want to Meet the Goal
Determining your ‘why’ is super important. You want to be crystal clear on your intentions for wanting to meet a certain goal. While your motivation will be high now at the start of the year, it’s bound to fluctuate as the year progresses and you want to have a clear why to motivate you during those times when the road is tougher.
Develop a Plan to Bounce Back from Setbacks
Setbacks and going to happen unexpectedly. You’ll fall off track, lose sight of what’s most important, or even experience tons of unexpected circumstances one after another. It’s best to plan out how you’ll deal with these setbacks and bounce back before they even happen.
You may even have to brainstorm a Plan B or Plan C if your priorities shift throughout the year.
Break Your Goal Up Into Smaller Chunks
You might have to break your larger annual business goals up into smaller chunks to ensure that you won’t get too overwhelmed or be unproductive.
Plan out what you need to do each week or month in order to meet your goal and turn it into a routine. You’ll start out making small amounts of progress which will get you closer and closer to your desired end result.
Track Your Progress and Be Held Accountable
Your final step should be to track your progress and find some accountability. Share your business goals with others and find people who can support you along your journey.
Review your progress regularly and make changes as needed. Tracking how your goals pan out will be super beneficial in the long run.
Have you set your business goals for the year yet? Will you be changing or improving your process to ensure you reach them?
Choncé Maddox
Choncé Maddox is a professional writer who recently left her job in the web design industry to produce killer content and manage her own writing business full time. She is passionate about helping entrepreneurs be more productive and create a life they love by doing fulfilling work. On the side, she runs a podcast and blogs about getting out of debt at MyDebtEpiphany.com.