How Zero-Party Data Can Help You Build Lasting Customer Relationships

Business Tips, Marketing

Friday, July 26th, 2024

How Zero-Party Data Can Help You Build Lasting Customer Relationships

Consumers aren’t satisfied to simply buy products from companies anymore and just walk away. They crave deeper, more meaningful customer relationships with the brands they choose. In other words, it’s time to start investing in your customer relationships. Building relationships with buyers is a surefire way to future-proof your business. For one, you’ll make it […]

Crafting the Perfect Employee Attendance Policy: A Guide to Balancing Fairness and Productivity


Tuesday, July 23rd, 2024

Crafting the Perfect Employee Attendance Policy: A Guide to Balancing Fairness and Productivity

A well-crafted attendance policy is the cornerstone of a healthy and productive workplace. This policy sets clear expectations for employees, encourages accountability, and minimizes disruptions caused by unscheduled absences. Furthermore, absenteeism can be quite costly. According to one study, absenteeism costs U.S. employers $225.8 billion annually. In addition to the direct costs of paying absent employees, […]

The CEO’s Secret Weapon: Time Management

Time Management

Monday, July 22nd, 2024

The CEO’s Secret Weapon: Time Management

There is never a shortage of work on the CEO’s plate. Being a leader requires constant attention, quick decisions, and the ability to adapt in the face of constant change. When there are only 24 hours in a day, how can CEOs ensure they effectively manage their time and maximize their impact? This blog post […]

Dad Hacks: Realistic Work-Life Balance for Busy Dudes

Calendar, Time Management

Saturday, July 20th, 2024

Dad Hacks: Realistic Work-Life Balance for Busy Dudes

Being a dad is awesome. But it’s also a demanding gig. After all, you wear many hats, including provider, partner, coach, and chief tickle monster. However, between work deadlines and bedtime stories, it’s easy to feel stretched thin. But here’s one of the best gifts you’ll ever receive: You can actually achieve work-life balance. To […]

Batching Like a Boss: How to Save Time and Reduce Stress


Friday, July 19th, 2024

Batching Like a Boss: How to Save Time and Reduce Stress

The idea of batching comes from the world of computing. Computers can process large groups of similar tasks efficiently, one after another, without constantly requiring user intervention. That’s all, good, but how does this relate to your daily life? In order for batching to be effective for personal productivity, we must start tasks correctly. For […]

Maximize Productivity: 5 Strategies Entrepreneurs Use

Maximize Productivity: 5 Strategies Entrepreneurs Use

Time and productivity work hand-in-hand in entrepreneurship. Optimizing finite resources is crucial to anyone trying to run a business. These assets can make or break a successful business venture and are used to maximize productivity through strategies. Jon Penberthy is the founder of AdClients, and Lawrence Ellyard is the founder and Chairman of IICT. Both […]

How Your Calendar Can Help You Explore New Cuisine

Calendar, Schedule

Wednesday, July 17th, 2024

How Your Calendar Can Help You Explore New Cuisine

Sometimes, you eat because you’re hungry. Other times, you eat to enjoy yourself truly. If you’re a big foodie, more often than not, you probably identify more closely with the latter. With so much amazing food to try, it can be fun to try new cuisine. But with so much to try, making time for […]

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