Dad Hacks: Realistic Work-Life Balance for Busy Dudes

Calendar, Time Management

Saturday, July 20th, 2024

Dad Hacks: Realistic Work-Life Balance for Busy Dudes

Being a dad is awesome. But it’s also a demanding gig. After all, you wear many hats, including provider, partner, coach, and chief tickle monster. However, between work deadlines and bedtime stories, it’s easy to feel stretched thin. But here’s one of the best gifts you’ll ever receive: You can actually achieve work-life balance. To […]

12 Must-Have Group Scheduling Apps for 2024

Calendar, Schedule

Friday, July 12th, 2024

12 Must-Have Group Scheduling Apps for 2024

Are you overwhelmed by juggling appointments and endless back-and-forth emails to find a time for a meeting? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Scheduling can be a huge headache for individuals and businesses of all sizes. The good news is that numerous scheduling tools can streamline the process and let you focus on what really matters. This blog […]

3 Tips for Scheduling Private Events When You Publicly Share Your Calendar

3 Tips for Scheduling Private Events When You Publicly Share Your Calendar

With a shared calendar, your team is on the same page regarding approaching deadlines, upcoming client meetings, and other deliverables. In today’s hectic world, it can be all too easy to miss a deadline, but with a shared calendar, your team has your back. A shared calendar thereby increases collaboration while improving team communication channels. […]

Trapped in a Toxic Jungle: A Guide to Surviving a Negative Workplace


Tuesday, May 7th, 2024

Trapped in a Toxic Jungle: A Guide to Surviving a Negative Workplace

Is there anything worse than walking into work with a pit in your stomach, dreading the interaction, gossip, or negativity that awaits you? No one should feel constantly on edge, drained, or disrespected at work. Unfortunately, many people find themselves trapped in toxic workplaces. According to an APA survey from 2023, 19% of workers say […]

4 Scheduling Strategies to Keep Up With Home Maintenance

Schedule, Time Management

Tuesday, April 30th, 2024

4 Scheduling Strategies to Keep Up With Home Maintenance

Keeping up with home maintenance can feel like an overwhelming chore that’s never finished. It ranges from small things, like changing your air filter, to large projects, like cleaning out the garage. Probably the most difficult part of home maintenance, though, is remembering when it’s time to do each task. Some examples of time-sensitive home […]

Meeting Efficiency for Leaders: Streamline Boss’s Calendar Like a Pro

Business Tips

Wednesday, April 10th, 2024

Meeting Efficiency for Leaders: Streamline Boss’s Calendar Like a Pro

In today’s fast-paced business landscape, proficiently managing a boss’s calendar is nothing short of an art form. We’ve curated a treasure trove of practical tips and innovative strategies to help our dynamic leaders excel and maximize their time. Our comprehensive guide titled “Meeting Efficiency for Leaders: Streamline Boss’s Calendar Like a Pro” is designed to […]

Go Ahead, Play Hooky


Tuesday, February 27th, 2024

Go Ahead, Play Hooky

Take a moment and reflect on your childhood. Did you ever lie about being sick to get out of school? I sure did. I guess that many of you did well as well. Once we hit the working world, this excuse feels just a little… questionable. For starters, as adults, we all know not to […]

Stop the Meeting Madness: 19 Ways to Make Your Meetings Matter


Thursday, February 22nd, 2024

Stop the Meeting Madness: 19 Ways to Make Your Meetings Matter

Each of us has been there at some point in our lives. We’re stuck in what seems to be an endless, pointless meeting, fidgeting in our seats, wondering what could be done with the time instead. In reality, most meetings don’t achieve their full potential, leaving participants exhausted and frustrated. Further, a meta-analysis of over […]

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