Coming up with blog content ideas can be a pain. Thinking up topic ideas for blog posts can be tough, and it’s normal to hit that dreaded writers block. Sometimes it seems like you have so many ideas and other times you can’t even think of one.

So here are ten content ideas for the new year.

Customer success story

This can work for almost every business, since likely you deal with customers or clients in some way, shape or form. Instead of the typical testimonial you’d get from customers, put together a short case study or story of how your product or business has helped them.

Create a reading list

Sharing other peoples content can be really beneficial for your SEO and if you’re in luck, these other content creators will share your blog post too if they know they’re in it.

Compiling some articles or content you’ve seen online around your industry into a reading list can be a great (and easy) way to develop content.

Play off popular culture or the news

What’s happening in the world or your industry? It may not always make sense to tie your brand into it, but when it does, this can be a great opportunity to get your brand out there and gain engagement.

Here are a few things I look at:

  • Trends
  • Holidays
  • Awareness days
  • Popular topics in your city
  • Big local events
  • Local positive news

Something you need to understand is the opportunities are endless. All you have to do is be looking at what’s popular and applying it to your business.

Answer the questions everyone’s asking

We’ve all used frequently asked question (FAQ) pages on peoples websites, all of these questions your customer support regularly gets can be easily turned into valuable blog content. Chat with your customer service team and see what topics they regularly address with customers and think about how you can twist that into valuable content for your blog.

Go behind the scenes

Take your customers behind the scenes of your business. Show them what it takes to put together your products, how you help customers, or what goes into the food they are making. People love feeling like they are seeing something exclusive.


How-to guides can be really valuable and helpful for your customers. Show them how your products can help them do different things, show them how-to guides or life hacks related to your industry. Find something that you think would be of value and deliver it in a handy guide. Plus, this can be great material to build your Pinterest.

Interview leaders

Who are some leaders in your industry or business? Interview them about different topics and develop that into a question and answer blog post, or story. This can be a valuable way to position you as a thought leader and get some well known people on your brands blog.

A day in the life

Show your customers what a day in the life looks like for someone who either works for your business or someone within your industry. For example, DavidsTea might show you what it’s like to be someone who helps develop the packaging for their teas. They show you what it’s like to be the person that names their teas. Similar to showing people behind the scenes. However, this will help add familiar faces to your brand too and can be a great recruitment tool down the road.

Staff picks

Get your staff to pick their favorite things! This is dependent on what type of business you have. For example, a retail store may get their staff to pick their favorite products for the holidays. As a tech company, you may get your staff to pick their favorite apps for productivity. Get creative and involve your staff, that way they’ll feel excited about the content you’re creating too!