Nearly everyone gets in a slump now and then in their work. But at times what many assume is a short-lived slump can actually be full blown burnout.
When you recognize yourself heading into a state of being burned out, you can make changes to fix it. Here are six ways to boost productivity when you’re burned out that may help you turn it around.
1. Switch Tasks
At times the easy solution is the best one to boost productivity when you’re burned out. As an example, you could change tasks when you feel burned out from repetitive or highly technical projects.
The simple act of changing from one job duty to another can perk you up. You may become enthused about doing something new and fresh which can help you get more done.
2. Slow Things Down
Taking breaks is one of the ways to boost productivity when you are burned out. If your schedule has been hectic or you’ve been overloaded with work lately, try slowing things down a little.
Sometimes you only have to lighten up your schedule for a few days or so. Take the time you need to refresh and rejuvenate and you will be raring to go again in no time.
3. Schedule Breaks Each Day
Another of the ways to boost productivity when you’re burned out is to schedule breaks during the day. For instance, take a long lunch with a friend. Or, Slip away in the afternoon for a ten-minute walk.
Do something that is outside of your normal day to day routine that allows your brain to take a rest. At times this is all you need to feel ready to jump back into your work with gusto.
4. Request Help from Others
To further boost productivity when you’re burned out you may have to ask for help from other people. One way is to ask a co-worker to finish a task for you. Or, you could merely have a quick brainstorming session with a fellow worker.
Asking for help from a co-worker doesn’t make you a failure. In reality, it’s a smart move to make to get back on track and improve your work performance.
5. Focus on Yourself
One way to boost productivity when you’re burned out is to focus on yourself. If you haven’t been sleeping enough lately, eating right, or exercising it can make you tire out quicker.
Catch an extra hour of sleep tonight or for a couple of nights in a row. Eat less processed foods and more natural foods. Drink an extra glass or two of water each day and get some exercise. You would be surprised how much difference these changes can make in how you feel.
6. Change Your Environment
There are times all you need to do is change your environment to boost productivity when you’re burned out. Looking at the same boring desk, walls, and décor every day for years is kind of depressing. We make changes to our homes, why not our work environments too?
Switch out an old photo on your desk for a current one. Cover a bulletin board with fabric or some modern wrapping paper. Then, clean everything thoroughly and you may feel inspired to roll up your sleeves and get things done.
When you are feeling low or burned out you can make changes to fix it. Use these 6 ways to boost productivity when you’re burned out and get more accomplished in your day.
Kayla Sloan
Kayla is a financial productivity expert that wants to help everyone pursue a life of freedom. My goal in life is to help people feel less chained to their jobs. You deserve to find the best. Lets get their together!