How to Plan a Red-Letter Holiday Party for Your Team

Business Tips

Sunday, December 6th, 2020

How to Plan a Red-Letter Holiday Party for Your Team

Holiday parties are a staple of company cultures. Most organizations cling to this tradition, and those that don’t are urged by employees to start a new tradition for the company. Putting together a holiday party does wonders for team bonding and morale-boosting — but this year with the added pressures from COVID can make it […]

To Keep Outdoor Pets Safe, Keep an Eye on Your Calendar

Business Tips

Saturday, December 5th, 2020

To Keep Outdoor Pets Safe, Keep an Eye on Your Calendar

The winter months bring joy to those who love the snowy weather and holiday cheer. Unfortunately, many furry friends are left out in the cold. Outdoor pets need extra tender love and care during the winter to keep them safe and healthy. Your online calendar is a helpful asset for keeping furry friends safe and […]

A COVID-19 Christmas? 9 Tips for Planning a Safe Celebration

Business Tips

Friday, December 4th, 2020

A COVID-19 Christmas? 9 Tips for Planning a Safe Celebration

Sleighbells are ringing, and snow is falling, but the concern over COVID-19 still hasn’t gone away entirely. There is a way to enjoy the holidays while still staying safe. All it takes is some careful planning. Filling your online calendar with safe Christmas events doesn’t need to be a hassle. These 9 tips can help […]

How to Foster a “Connected Culture” Remotely

Business Tips

Wednesday, December 2nd, 2020

While the COVID-19 may have resulted in more people working from home, the truth is, working from home was already having its moment. In fact, between 2005 – 2017, there was a 159% increase in remote work. And, regardless of what happens when there’s hopefully a vaccine, the majority of people who have been working […]

Spread Kindness, Not Germs: Why Leaders Need to Be Kind

Business Tips

Monday, November 30th, 2020

Spread Kindness, Not Germs: Why Leaders Need to Be Kind

Out of all of the role models and mentors I’ve had throughout my life, no one has had a bigger impact than my grandfather. He was honest and warm without passing judgment. And, whenever you needed someone to talk to, he listened actively and offered timeless advice. His kindness was what made him so beloved […]

Break Your Binge-Watching Habit With These 8 Scheduling Tips

Business Tips

Sunday, November 29th, 2020

Break Your Binge-Watching Habit With These 8 Scheduling Tips

Have you always been a binge-watcher? You’re not alone. Has the pandemic brought your binge-watching tendencies? You’re not alone. Americans are watching a record eight hours of streaming content per day during the lockdowns.  While there is no doubt streaming services are convenient, don’t let them become a crutch. Watching hours of video content every […]

8 Things to Be Grateful for in 2020

Business Tips

Saturday, November 28th, 2020

8 Things to Be Grateful for in 2020

2020 has been an incredibly difficult year for everyone. There seem to be a few things to be thankful for, from a global pandemic to social challenges and endless political banter. However, if you look for the good the past 11 months had to offer, you’re certain to find something. Finding things to be grateful […]

9 Situations When You Shouldn’t Share Your Calendar

Business Tips

Friday, November 27th, 2020

9 Situations When You Shouldn’t Share Your Calendar

One of the many great features your Calendar features is the ability to share calendars with others. You can share individual events or even share an entire online calendar with someone else. Coordinating schedules is easier and more efficient when you can each see the other’s calendars. But while this feature is useful, there are […]

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