For many of us, it was a long and dark pandemic-riddled winter. But, it appears that we’re almost through it. The days are warmer and longer. The sun is shining more brightly. And, hopefully, the worst of COVID is in the rearview mirror.
“Our spring has come at last with the soft laughter of April suns and shadow of April showers. — Byron Caldwell Smith
Yes. There are a lot of reasons to welcome the fourth month of the year mensis Aprilis. But, we can also add the celebration of many holidays and observances to that list as well. Here is a list of 132 April Holidays and observances.
April 1
- April Fool’s Day: “Some historians speculate that April Fools’ Day dates back to 1582, when France switched from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar, as called for by the Council of Trent in 1563,” states History.com. “In the Julian Calendar, as in the Hindu calendar, the new year began with the spring equinox around April 1.”
- Edible Book Day: Here’s an unusual holiday created in 2000 by Judith A. Hoffberg and Béatrice Coron to honor French gastronome Jean-Anthelme Brillat-Savarin. The famous chef was known for his book Physiologie du goût.
- International Fun at Work Day: Some might scuff at this. But, having fun in the workplace makes employees healthier, happier, and more creative. It also encourages collaboration and communication.
- Major League Baseball Opening Day: Founded in 1869, the Cincinnati Red Stockings were baseball’s first openly all-professional team
- National Burrito Day: It’s believed that the burrito originated in Northern Mexico to be a hearty and portable lunch. I plan on spending the day trying as many of these burrito recipes from Delish as possible.
April 2
- Children’s Book Day: “Since 1967, on or around Hans Christian Andersen’s birthday, 2 April, International Children’s Book Day (ICBD) is celebrated to inspire a love of reading and to call attention to children’s books,” explains the International Board on Books For Young People.
- Good Friday: Why is Good Friday called Good Friday? “The answer seems pretty clearly to be that it’s from good ‘holy,’ ” responded Jesse Sheidlower, the president of the American Dialect Society told Slate.
- National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day: Legend has it that the first PB&J recipe was written by Julia David Chandler. It appeared in The Boston Cooking-School Magazine of Culinary Science & Domestic Economics back in 1901.
- Walk to Work Day: Initiated by Prevention in 2004, this holiday is obvious. It highlights the mental and physical health benefits of walking. It’s also good for the plant!
- World Autism Awareness Day: In the U.S. alone, autism affects 1 in 54 children. Today is the day to recognize these individuals, as well as the people who love and support them.
April 3
- Don’t Go to Work Unless it’s Fun Day: I already covered the benefits of having fun in the workplace. So, if you aren’t having fun at work, take a personal day or work-from-home.
- Find a Rainbow Day: Go outside and find a rainbow. If you can’t, watch the Yosemitebear Mountain Double Rainbow video. It will instantly put you in a better mood.
- National Play Outside Day: Use this as an excuse to no spend more time outside. And, also reconnect with your inner child. It’s good for your mind, body, and soul.
- Tweed Day: Is this day celebrating the corrupt politician William “Boss” Tweed, who was born on April 3, 1823? Or, is it honoring the fabric that originated in Scotland? No one is really sure. But, you can’t go wrong with wearing a tweed hat while reading “Boss Tweed’s New York” by Seymour J. Mandelbaum.
- World Party Day: Inspired by the novel “Flight: A Quantum Fiction Novel” by Vanna Bonta, throw a party either by yourself, virtually, or with your vaccinated peeps.
April 4
- Easter: St. Bede the Venerable, who authored the Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum (“Ecclesiastical History of the English People”) in the 6th Century, states that the English word “Easter” originates from Eostre, or Eostrae, the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring and fertility.
- Hug a Newsperson Day: Many believe that this started in the 1990s to show appreciation for news people.
- International Carrot Cake Day: The origins of carrot cake are disputed. However, an early English recipe for “pudding in a Carret root dates back to 1591.
- Tell a Lie Day: “The Adventures of Pinocchio,” written by Carlo Collodi, was published in 1883.
- Walk Around Things Day: You can interpret this holiday literally or figuratively. For example, walking around a puddle or “walking around” problems or conflicts.
April 5
- Deep Dish Pizza Day: “I wish that there were more written records — recipes or vintage photographs,” Tim Samuelson, the city of Chicago’s official historian, told the Chicago Tribune. “It’s an enigma, wrapped in a pie crust,” Chicago-based food writer Jeff Ruby told the newspaper. “Every day, it feels a little more lost to history.” One theory is that Ike Sewell, the founder of Pizzeria Uno, in 1943.
- First Contact Day: “Technically, we won’t start celebrating First Contact Day until April 5th, 2063,” writes Joseph George on startrek.com. “According to Star Trek canon, that’s the day when Zefram Cochrane will launch Earth’s first warp-capable rocket, catching the attention of Vulcan researchers who heretofore dismissed our planet as too primitive to visit. Cochran’s voyage sets into motion events that not only lead to the creation of the United Federation of Planets, but also lead to the end of the war, racism, and inequality on Earth.”
- Go For Broke Day: Did you know that the phrase “go for broke” can be traced back to Hawaii. In Hawaiin Pidgin, it means “wager everything.”
- National Nebraska Day: Although the Cornhusker State was admitted to the U.S. on March 1, 1867, and spent the day chowing down on a Runza.
- Read a Road Map Day: A lost art, if you ask me. Take a day trip and use a good old-fashioned map instead of GPS.
April 6
- California Poppy Day: On March 2, 1903, the California poppy, Eschscholzia California, became the official state flower of California. Not sure why we celebrate this symbol of the Golden State on this day.
- Fresh Tomato Day: What’s the Guinness World Records’ record for the heaviest tomato? That goes to G. Graham of Edmond, Oklahoma, who, in 1986 had a tomato that weighed 3.51 kg (7 lb 12 oz).
- Library Workers Day: Give your local library staff, users, administrators, and Friends groups props on this day.
- Siamese Cat Day: According to National Geographic, the oldest known cat was found “in a 9,500-year-old gravesite on the Mediterranean island of Cyprus.”
- Student-Athlete Day: This holiday was created by the National Consortium for Academics and Sports in 1987.
April 7
- Beer Day: Following water and tea, beer is the third-most-popular drink on Earth.
- No Housework Day: I’m all about keeping my place clean and free of clutter, but on this day, that can wait until tomorrow.
- Walking Day: Sponsored by the American Heart Association, today should serve as a reminder to go for a walk. After all, it’s one of the best things that you can do for your mental and physical health.
- World Health Day: This year’s campaign is building a fairer, healthier world.
April 8
- All is Ours Day: Today is dedicated to appreciating nature and everything that we have.
- Draw a Picture of a Bird Day: To lift the spirits of her uncle, who had lost a leg during WWII, 7-year-old Dorie Cooper asked him to draw her a picture of a bird when visiting in 1943.
- Empanada Day: Delicious empanadas are thought to have originated in the northwest region of Spain of Galicia.
- Zoo Lover’s Day: Did you know that the Vienna Zoo is the oldest existing zoo? It opened to the public in 1765.
April 9
- Cherish an Antique Day: Fun fact. Across the pond in the UK, Antiques Roadshow has been on airing since 1979.
- Name Yourself Day: Embrace reinvention on this day, giving yourself a new name.
- Unicorn Day: Did you know that unicorns have been mentioned as far back as Ancient Greece?
- Winston Churchill Day: On this day in 1963, President Kennedy made Winston Churchill, an honorary citizen.
April 10
- Farm Animals Day: Created in 2005 by Colleen Paige, this day is “to raise awareness about the plight of slaughter animals, as well as to find homes for abandoned and abused farm animals” — which consists of 9 billion chickens, 244 million turkeys, 93 million cows, 65 million hogs, and 6 million sheep, among others
- Golfer’s Day: It’s said that on this day in 1916, the first professional golf tournament was held.
- Hug Your Dog Day: Did you know that hugging your furry best friend gives you both a sense of unconditional love and connection.
- Safety Pin Day: On this day in 1849, Walter Hunt received the patent for one of the most useful inventions ever, the safety pin.
- Siblings Day: Did you know that roughly 89% of Americans have a sibling?
April 11
- Barbershop Quartet Day: “Even though barbershop is considered an American invention, the idea had its roots in England,” writes Kara Kovalchik for Mental Floss. “During the 1600s, Muzak was not yet available, so British barbers kept a cittern (a stringed instrument similar to a lute) handy for their customers to strum while awaiting their shave and haircut.”
- Cheese Fondue Day: In the 1930s, fondue was popularized as a Swiss national dish by the Swiss Cheese Union in order to increase cheese consumption.
- Eight Track Tape Day: Did you know that the eight-track tape was created jointly by Bill Lear of Lear Jet Corporation, Ampex, Ford Motor Company, General Motors, Motorola, and RCA? The first player, known as the Stereo 8, was then released in 1965.
- Pet Day: Remember Colleen Paige? Well, she also created this holiday in 2006 “to celebrate the joy pets bring to our lives and to create public awareness about the plight of many different kinds of animals awaiting a forever home in shelters and rescues all around the globe.”
- Submarine Day: This day celebrates the purchase of the USS Holland, which was the first modern commissioned submarine in 1900, and not a delicious sandwich.
April 12
- Big Wind Day: On this day in 1934, the staff of the Mount Washington Observatory in New Hampshire recorded winds at 231 miles per hour! At the time, it was the highest natural wind gust measured on the surface of Earth.
- Grilled Cheese Day: During the Great Depression, an open-faced grilled cheese known as the “cheese dream” became popular. We’ve certainly come a long way since then with our gourmet grilled cheese sandwich recipes.
- International Day of Human Space Flight: Yuri Gagarin became the first human to journey into outer space on this day in 1961.
- Licorice Day: People have been extracting licorice from, well, the licorice plant for centuries. It was made into candy in Holland during the 17th Century.
April 13
- International Be Kind to Lawyers Day: Lawyers get a bad rap. But, when you’re in a pinch, they’re absolutely essential. On this day, send your lawyer a thank you card or email to show them your appreciation.
- Make Lunch Count Day: Although TGI Fridays came up with the idea of “Fear of Lunching Out,” it is true that this is a problem. For example, 2 in 3 millennials skip lunch to get ahead. This day reminds us all just how important lunch breaks truly are.
- Peach Cobbler Day: The Georgia Peach Council created this day in the 1950s. Why? To sell more canned peaches.
- Scrabble Day: Alfred Mosher Butts was born on this day in 1899. In 1938, he invented this iconic board game.
April 14
- Dolphin Day: Did you know that dolphins have “reflective intelligence”? That means that they have the ability to recognize themselves in a mirror.
- Ex-Spouse Day: If your marriage has dissolved, today’s the day when it’s time to move on and let go of negative feelings and emotions like anger
- Gardening Day: As long as the weather cooperates, get outside and start planting your garden. It’s a healthy hobby that also rewards you with nutritious fruits, veggies, and herbs.
- International Moment of Laughter Day: If you didn’t get the prescription, laughter is the best medicine for you emotionally, mentally, and even physically.
- Look Up at the Sky Day: Take a timeout from the rat race to just sit back, relax, and admire the beauty above and around us.
April 15
- High Five Day: Research has found that the power of a touch, such as a high five, can alleviate anxiety, decrease cortisol levels, and makes teams more successful.
- Laundry Day: Even if this isn’t your favorite chore, mark your calendar so that you don’t let your laundry pile up into one overwhelming, and smelly, project.
- Take a Wild Guess Day: To coincide with Tax Day, speaker Jim Barber developed this holiday. Observe by embracing your hunches, intuitions, and gut feelings.
- World Art Day: The International Association of Art (IAA/AIAP) chose Leonardo da Vinci’s birthday to promote awareness of creative activity worldwide.
April 16
- Eggs Benedict Day: Legend has it that Lemuel Benedict, a Wall Street broker, ordered two poached eggs on top of buttered toast with crispy bacon and hollandaise sauce at the Waldorf Hotel in New York to cure his hangover.
- Selena Day: On April 16, 1977, Selena, aka the “Queen of Tejano music,” was born.
- Stress Awareness Day: It’s not a coincidence that this takes place the day after Tax Day. It serves as a reminder that we’re a stressed-out nation and need to find ways to handle stress better.
- Wear Pajamas to Work Day: If you’ve been working from home the last, you’ve probably already been doing this! If you still have been getting dressed, keep the PJs on today when you work. It’s a simple way to relax and sprinkle in a little fun at work.
April 17
- Cheeseball Day: You won’t have to twist my arm when it comes to eating cheese. Plan on spending the day eating your favorite cheese puffs or trying out a classic cheeseball recipe.
- Husband Appreciation Day: Today is all about showing your significant other how much you love and appreciate them. If you’re the recipient, make sure to return the favor on September 19 for Wife Appreciation Day.
- International Bat Appreciation Day: You might be frightened of bats, but the more than 1,400 species play a crucial role in the ecosystem and biodiversity. Or, you could use this as an excuse to watch your favorite Batman flicks.
- International Haiku Poetry Day: If you need a refresher, this is a form of ancient Japanese poetry that consists of three lines containing the syllable structure of “five-seven-five.”
April 18
- Animal Crackers Day: Stauffer’s Biscuit Company, based out of York, Pennsylvania, was the first company to produce animal crackers in 1871.
- Columnists Day: Originally meant to recognize the importance and value of newspaper columnists, you can observe this day by showing your appreciation to columnists in all forms of media.
- Lineman Appreciation Day: Are you one of the 155,000,000 electrical customers in the U.S.? If so, make sure to give a shout-out to the men and women who risk their lives to make sure that you still have power.
- Velociraptor Awareness Day: Despite what you saw in “Jurassic Park,” these speedy thieves “grew up to 6.8 feet (2 meters) long, 1.6 feet (0.5 meters) tall at the hip, and weighed up to 33 lbs. (15 kilograms).”
April 19
- Garlic Day: Garlic has been found to boost immunity and improve cardiovascular health. It’s also an anti-inflammatory, gives you better hair and skin, and protects your food.
- Hanging Out Day: Don’t get confused by the name. This isn’t about chilling with your friends or family. Rather, it’s all about acknowledging the financial and environmental benefits of drying your clothes on a clothesline.
- Patriots Day: In Maine and Massachusetts, this is a public holiday to observe the day in 1775 when the battles of Lexington and Concord took place.
April 20
- Chinese Language Day: The UN Department of Public Information established this holiday “to pay tribute to Cang Jie, a mythical figure who is presumed to have invented Chinese characters about 5,000 years ago.”
- Look-Alike Day: Have you ever been told that you resemble someone else? If so, this is the day to go all-in and embrace that.
- Pineapple Upside-Down Cake Day: Rumor has it that the term “upside-down cake” began circulating in the late 1800s.
- Volunteer Recognition Day: “Volunteers don’t get paid, not because they’re worthless, but because they’re priceless.” — Sherry Anderson
April 21
- Administrative Professionals Day: First launched in 1952, this day recognizes the people who keep your calendar, and even the entire office, running smooth.It takes place on the third Wednesday of the last full week in April.
- Bulldogs are Beautiful Day: It’s possible that bulldogs can be traced to 5th Century England. But, it was on this day in 1886 when bulldogs became officially recognized as a breed by the American Kennel Club.
- Kindergarten Day: Friedrich Wilhelm August Frobel is often cited as starting the first kindergarten in Germany in 1837.
- Tea Day: “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.” — C.S. Lewis
- Tiradentes Day: In Brazil, this day commemorates the death of Joaquim Jose da Silva Xavier, aka Tiradentes (“Tooth Puller”), who led the first movement against Portugal to achieve Brazilian independence.
April 22
- Earth Day: Celebrated annually around the world since 1970, Earth Day encourages each and every one of us to protect our planet.
- Girl Scout Leader Day: This day “honors all the volunteers who work as leaders and mentors in partnership with girls,” notes the Girl Scouts of the United States of America.
- Jelly Bean Day: During the Civil War, William Schrafft, a Boston confectioner, encouraged his customers to send jelly beans to Union soldiers.
- Take Your Daughter and Son to Work Day: The 2021 theme for the Take Our Daughters And Sons To Work program is “Boldly Moving Forward,” with an interactive and virtual event.
April 23
- Cherry Cheesecake Day: I LOVE cheesecake. So, without question, I’ll use this as an excuse to try this cherry cheesecake recipe.
- Day of Silence: Started in the 1990s, the “GLSEN Day of Silence is a national student-led demonstration where LGBTQ students and allies all around the country—and the world—take a vow of silence to protest the harmful effects of harassment and discrimination of LGBTQ people in schools.”
- Picnic Day: The word comes from the French word pique-nique, with the earliest text appearance occurring in 1692.
- Take a Chance Day: Been hesitating about taking a risk? Put aside your inhibitions and just do it.
- World Book Day: First celebrated in the UK in 1995, this is an annual charity event in the United Kingdom and Ireland where every child is given a book voucher.
April 24
- Pigs in a Blanket Day: Although Betty Crooker’s 1957 cookbook popularized the dish, there were recipes dating back to 1901.
- Skipping Day: While the day is meant to focus on the physical health of children, adults should also join in on the fun.
- World Laboratory Day: Take a moment to acknowledge all of the cures, discoveries, and innovations that have come out of laboratories.
April 25
- 93rd Academy Awards: You can watch the Oscars on ABC at 8 p.m. ET/5 p.m. PT. To catch you up-to-speed, here’s a list of the nominations.
- DNA Day: On this day in 1953, James Watson, Francis Crick, Maurice Wilkins, Rosalind Franklin, and their colleagues published papers regarding the structure of DNA in the journal Nature.
- Hug a Plumber Day: Just think about how difficult and sometimes unpleasant plumbing can be. Use this day to thank your plumber by giving them a shout-out on social media, leaving them a positive online review, referring them, or writing them a “thank you” note.
- Kiss and Make Up Day: Have you been holding onto a grudge with someone? Today’s the perfect day to bury the hatchet.
- Pet Parents Day: There really aren’t enough days to pamper our pets. It’s the least we can do to thank them for their unconditional love.
- Telephone Day: While there are over 5 billion unique mobile phone users in the world, landlines haven’t become obsolete. In fact, there are still more than 915 million landlines.
- World Malaria Day: According to the RBM Partnership to End Malaria, “Over the past two decades, we’ve made great progress in the malaria fight, saving more than 7 million lives and preventing over 1 billion malaria cases.
- Zucchini Bread Day: Fun fact. There’s more potassium in a zucchini than in a banana. Here’s a recipe from Sally’s Baking Addiction you can make to get that potassium.
April 26
- Dissertation Day: Did you know that the first doctoral degree was awarded in Paris during the mid-12th Century?
- Pretzel Day: According to The History of Science and Technology, in 610 AD, “an Italian monk invents pretzels as a reward to children who learn their prayers. He calls the strips of baked dough, folded to resemble arms crossing the chest, pretiola (little rewards).”
- Richter Scale Day: Charles Francis Richter was born on this day in 1900. In 1935, he invented the Richter magnitude scale to measure the intensity of earthquakes.
April 27
- Babe Ruth Day: The Yankees, at the request of commissioner Happy Chandler, proclaimed April 27 as “Babe Ruth Day” in 1947.
- Morse Code Day: Samuel Morse was born on this date in 1791 in Charlestown, Boston, MA.
- Prime Rib Day: Also known as a standing rib roast, celebrate the day by whipping up this melt-in-your-mouth prime rib recipe.
- Tell a Story Day: Step-up your storytelling skills by reading a book or calling a sibling and recalling a childhood event. Or, really stretch your imagination by making up your own tale.
April 28
- Blueberry Pie Day: “The blueberry is one of the only foods that are truly naturally blue in color,” notes the BC Blueberry Council. “The pigment that gives blueberries their distinctive color—called anthocyanin—is the same compound that provides the blueberry’s amazing health benefits.”
- Guide Dog Day: Did you know that Guide Dogs of America trains 70% Labrador retrievers, 15% Golden Retrievers, and 15% German Shepherds for their guide dogs?
- Stop Food Waste Day: Did you know that 33% of all food produced globally is either lost or wasted every year? Commit to reducing food waste through steps like not overbuying and learning to love your freezer.
- Superhero Day: What’s the origin story of this holiday? It goes back to 1995 when Marvel employees created a day to celebrate their favorite superheroes. But, you don’t have to limit yourself to just Marvel characters. All fictional heroes may join in on the festivities.
April 29
- International Dance Day: The Dance Committee of the International Theatre Institute created this day in 1982.The goal? To remind us all just how valuable and important dance is.
- Shrimp Scampi Day: Shrimp scampi recipes can only date back to American cookbooks in the 1920s. It’s a delicious, and simple to make, dish. If you’ve never tried it, I recommend this classic shrimp scampi recipe from NYT Cooking.
- Zipper Day: Gideon Sundback patented the modern zipper on this exact date in 1913.
April 30
- Arbor Day: While not a national holiday, it’s common for schools and organizations to engage in environmentally friendly activities to help save the world on Arbor Day, specifically planting trees.
- Hairball Awareness Day: Today reminds cat owners to take steps to prevent hairballs, such as regularly grooming your feline friend.
- Honesty Day: There are two reasons why author and former press secretary of Maryland M. Hirsh Goldberg chose April 30 for Honesty Day. First, the first day of the month is April Fools’ Day, which celebrates falsehoods. Second, in 1789, this was the date of George Washington’s first inauguration.
- International Jazz Day: Declared by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization in 2011 “to highlight jazz and its diplomatic role of uniting people in all corners of the globe.”
- Raisin Day: The first Raisin Day took place in 1909 and was promoted by raisin growers in California. And, for those who forgot, raisins are nothing more than sun-dried grapes.
Image Credit: fauxels; pexels
Deanna Ritchie
Editor-in-Chief at Calendar. Former Editor-in-Chief and writer at Startup Grind. Freelance editor at Entrepreneur.com. Deanna loves to help build startups, and guide them to discover the business value of their online content and social media marketing.