How Your Calendar Can Help You Explore New Cuisine

Calendar, Schedule

Wednesday, July 17th, 2024

How Your Calendar Can Help You Explore New Cuisine

Sometimes, you eat because you’re hungry. Other times, you eat to enjoy yourself truly. If you’re a big foodie, more often than not, you probably identify more closely with the latter. With so much amazing food to try, it can be fun to try new cuisine. But with so much to try, making time for […]

How to Make Every Minute of Your Life Count

Business Tips

Saturday, July 13th, 2024

How to Make Every Minute of Your Life Count

Time is slipping away. While the days might still feel long — busy with responsibilities and obligations — the years feel shorter with each that passes. Whatever happened to those dreams you had? Of traveling the world, starting that business, or writing that novel? It’s always “I’d love to do that someday” until there aren’t […]

7 Events to Look Forward to This Summer

Calendar, Schedule

Thursday, July 4th, 2024

7 Events to Look Forward to This Summer

If summer makes you giddy for time off and vacation, you’re in luck! It’s here. Something about the summer can make even the most focused adults feel like a kid again. As the days get warmer and stay light longer, it’s easy to feel transported back to feeling young and carefree. If you’re looking for […]

5 Time Management Mistakes to Steer Clear Of

Business Tips

Saturday, May 25th, 2024

5 Time Management Mistakes to Steer Clear Of

Good time management skills can help you tremendously in many areas of your life. But time management is exactly that: a skill. And even if you’re naturally better at time management than most, there is still room for error and ways to improve. If you want to experience all the benefits of proper time management, […]

How to Prioritize Wellness With Your Calendar

Calendar, Schedule

Saturday, May 18th, 2024

How to Prioritize Wellness With Your Calendar

Most people realize that health is their biggest asset, but often, after some damage has been done. Many talk about wellness benefits, yet few are willing to invest time and effort. People prioritize their careers to make money but spend that money on doctor visits and prescription drugs. The time to get your act together […]

How to Cultivate Genuine Friendships in a Digital Age

How to Cultivate Genuine Friendships in a Digital Age

Before the internet, creating a friendship with someone was pretty straightforward. Two people went to the same school, attended the same religious group, or worked together. That shared interest proved enough to establish a rapport that eventually blossomed into a friendship. Keeping updated was easy, too. In-person conversation or a good old-fashioned landline phone call […]

7 Ways to Organize Your Home With Your Calendar

Calendar, Productivity

Friday, April 19th, 2024

7 Ways to Organize Your Home With Your Calendar

A calendar is a must-have tool to keep your household functioning efficiently. It helps everyone in your household organize their schedules and ensures that important tasks don’t fall by the wayside. You can also personalize your calendar to make it work for you. For example, you can create your own color scheme, symbols, or labels […]

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