How to Stay Productive When You Don’t Have Deadlines

Business Tips

Monday, July 26th, 2021

How to Stay Productive When You Don’t Have Deadlines

There are scenarios in which workers won’t have deadlines to push them to be productive. Some jobs don’t require deadlines, as do certain assignments given on the side. The question is, how do you make sure you’re still getting work done when you don’t have a deadline to push you? Here’s how to stay productive […]

How to Talk Yourself Up


Tuesday, April 27th, 2021

How to Talk Yourself Up

As I was heading to the fridge to make breakfast this morning, I stubbed my toe. I’m not gonna lie. It hurt. While it wasn’t severe enough to shout out expletives, my inner voice clearly let me know what a mistake this was. I really didn’t need to hear anything from my internal peanut galley. […]

Use Your Online Calendar for Journal Entries

Business Tips

Saturday, February 6th, 2021

Use Your Online Calendar for Journal Entries

Did you have a diary growing up? It might be embarrassing to read back on middle school crushes and quirky teenage interests, but diaries and journals have a lot of value. You get to recall some lost memories and record valuable lessons you don’t want to forget over the years. Here’s how to use your […]

8 Black Friday Events to Add to Your Online Calendar

Business Tips

Tuesday, November 24th, 2020

8 Black Friday Events to Add to Your Online Calendar

Believe it or not, some people look forward to Black Friday more than they do Thanksgiving. Just look at the numbers from last year, with record sales growth that shows no sign of slowing down. It makes sense; some of the deals are just too good to pass up on with Christmas on its way. […]

How an Online Calendar Can Simplify Social Distancing

Business Tips

Thursday, November 19th, 2020

How an Online Calendar Can Simplify Social Distancing

Masks matter, but one of the most important procedures to follow in the Covid-19 crisis is social distancing. Scheduling out a few key activities can make staying 6 feet apart a little easier. Even during a pandemic, life must go on. The key is balance: Instead of forcing yourself to stay inside 24/7, plan your […]

To Ward Off Seasonal Depression Stay Busy: 9 Time Management Tips

Business Tips

Tuesday, November 10th, 2020

To Ward Off Seasonal Depression Stay Busy: 9 Time Management Tips

Seasonal depression is a genuine concern. The lack of sun and increased cold have psychological effects that can easily bum you out. Combating seasonal depression may be a yearly struggle for you, but it’s one that you can overcome. One way to ward off seasonal depression is to keep yourself busy. Filling your schedule with […]

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