4 Scheduling Strategies to Keep Up With Home Maintenance

Schedule, Time Management

Tuesday, April 30th, 2024

4 Scheduling Strategies to Keep Up With Home Maintenance

Keeping up with home maintenance can feel like an overwhelming chore that’s never finished. It ranges from small things, like changing your air filter, to large projects, like cleaning out the garage. Probably the most difficult part of home maintenance, though, is remembering when it’s time to do each task. Some examples of time-sensitive home […]

How to Cultivate Genuine Friendships in a Digital Age

How to Cultivate Genuine Friendships in a Digital Age

Before the internet, creating a friendship with someone was pretty straightforward. Two people went to the same school, attended the same religious group, or worked together. That shared interest proved enough to establish a rapport that eventually blossomed into a friendship. Keeping updated was easy, too. In-person conversation or a good old-fashioned landline phone call […]

4 Money-Saving Tips for Planning Your Summer Vacay

Productivity, Schedule

Friday, March 29th, 2024

4 Money-Saving Tips for Planning Your Summer Vacay

Summer is soon, so it’s time to start planning and saving. Plenty of fun, interesting, and exciting opportunities are waiting for you just around the corner. And while that fun will be well worth having, it’s no secret that it can take a toll on your wallet. Vacations can be expensive, and with the high […]

How to Harness the Full Potential of Your Calendar

Calendar, Productivity, Schedule

Thursday, March 28th, 2024

How to Harness the Full Potential of Your Calendar

If you’re like everyone else in the world, you likely feel like you don’t have enough time each day. “Maximize your time with minimal effort.” Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, thanks to the variety of features available from digital calendars, getting the most out of your working day is possible. While many […]

Rethinking the Grind: The Rise of the 32-Hour Workweek


Thursday, March 21st, 2024

Rethinking the Grind: The Rise of the 32-Hour Workweek

Henry Ford popularized the 40-hour work week in 1926 after he realized that working more only produced a small increase in productivity. However, it wasn’t until 1940 that the 40-hour work week became law in the United States. Although the 40-hour workweek has been the standard in the U.S. for more than eight decades, remote […]

The Best Calendar Apps for College Students in 2024

Calendar, Productivity, Schedule

Tuesday, February 13th, 2024

The Best Calendar Apps for College Students in 2024

The college experience is a whirlwind of deadlines, exams, and social commitments. And, hopefully, you’re able to somehow squeeze in enough sleep as well. To put it simply, it can be a challenge to juggle these demands. It’s for this reason that the humble calendar app should become your BFF. Even if it’s not as […]

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