How a Clear Production Schedule Sets Up Content Creators for Success

Productivity, Schedule

Wednesday, July 27th, 2022

The creative process can be disorganized and difficult to predict. Content creators who struggle to maintain balance should assemble a production schedule to help. Content creation takes a lot of time. This is true whether you’re a writer, illustrator, podcaster, or any other kind of creator. Research, writing, collaborating, recording, editing, posting, and marketing all […]

How to Make Company Flex Schedules Work for Everyone


Wednesday, June 15th, 2022

How to Make Company Flex Schedules Work for Everyone

The demand for flexible work schedules is on the rise. ‌ ‌Almost ‌80%‌ ‌of‌ ‌the‌ ‌workers in the U.S. would prefer a job offering a flexible work schedule over one without. As a consequence, this results in employers starting to accommodate this request. ‌ So, why are so many people ‌‌‌expecting flex schedules? ‌Well,‌ ‌flexible‌ […]

Schedule Your Calendar This Way to Increase Productivity


Wednesday, May 11th, 2022

Schedule Your Calendar This Way to Increase Productivity

The art of planning your workday to put your mind at ease and maximize productivity is the key to long-term success. But that’s easier said than done. After all, we all have different schedules and energy peaks — and distractions constantly bombard us. But, all is not lost. Here are some pointers on how to […]

Successful Founders Do the Morning Routine Better


Thursday, April 28th, 2022

Successful Founders Do the Morning Routine Better

“Most of us would agree that having a healthy morning routine allows you to achieve your goals and ambitions easier and faster,” Dovile Sinke writes for 21 Day Hero. “Several health benefits such as better mental health, lower stress levels, increased energy, improved sleep quality, etc. can be achieved due to having a daily morning […]

Is Blue Monday the Most Depressing Day of the Year?


Monday, January 17th, 2022

Is Blue Monday the Most Depressing Day of the Year?

I’ll be blunt — sometimes —  Mondays suck. But, apparently, there’s one Monday with so many blues that it has its own holiday. And if you haven’t heard of Blue Monday, I hadn’t either until writing about it — but I now plan to be depressed on January 17, 2022, just for fun! Appropriately known as […]

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