The Impact of Calendar Apps on Productivity


Wednesday, March 15th, 2023

The Impact of Calendar Apps on Productivity

Each day, the average worker is productive for 60% or less across all professions. However, the percentage drops dramatically for office workers. During the average workday, office workers are only productive for two hours and 23 minutes, according to Voucher Cloud research. Another way to put that is that office workers are generally unproductive for […]

The Benefits of Using a Shared Calendar


Thursday, March 9th, 2023

The Benefits of Using a Shared Calendar

It probably never crossed your mind. But a shared calendar can boost efficiency and communication both at home and at work. Why? Sharing your calendar with your coworkers, family, and customers will also help you stay organized. As an additional benefit, they enable you to be more productive and prevent many small errors from occurring. […]

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