How to View Microsoft Calendar and Google Calendar in the Same Place

Calendar, Productivity, Schedule

Thursday, June 6th, 2024

How to View Microsoft Calendar and Google Calendar in the Same Place

Keeping track of appointments across multiple platforms can be a nightmare. Between work schedules, social engagements, and personal commitments, keeping track of everything can be nearly impossible. The struggle is even more complicated if you use both Microsoft Calendar (Outlook) and Google Calendar. Why would you use multiple calendars? It sounds counterproductive, right? Let’s say […]

Keep Your Fur Babies Healthy with Microsoft Calendar

Business Tips

Thursday, May 5th, 2022

Keep Your Fur Babies Healthy with Microsoft Calendar

Whether you are on team “Fur Babies” or you are on team “It’s Just a Dog” (or cat), staying organized as a pet owner can be challenging, and there are many things pet owners need to remember. Thankfully, there are many needs a scheduling app like Microsoft Calendar can meet to help you keep your […]

20 Ways to Use Microsoft Calendar to Maximize Your Day in 2022

Business Tips

Monday, February 21st, 2022

20 Ways to Use Microsoft Calendar to Maximize Your Day in 2022

The day can easily get away from you, with meeting calls, work deadlines, personal appointments, and family commitments. A digital calendar can help you keep control of your time by prioritizing and timing tasks and setting up reminders to keep you on track. Microsoft Calendar offers even the most unorganized person a simple way to […]

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