Time theft. Although it may sound dramatic, it is a real issue that can devastate your company’s productivity and bottom line. Here’s the ugly truth. though. There will be times when employees misuse company time. Even seemingly minor distractions like social media scrolling, personal errands, or unnecessary breaks can significantly hinder productivity. However, let’s step […]
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Several years ago I remember reading that Lorraine Twohill, the head of marketing at Google, has 20 meetings a day. If I was drinking something I would have spit it out like a clichéd cartoon character. After all, that just sounds impossible. However, I’ve learned since then that this is feasible as long as stop […]
I’ve been staring at this screen for what seems like an hour. Instead of cranking out this article, I check the lineup for my fantasy baseball team, started reading a Teddy Roosevelt biography, watched a couple of Ted Ed videos, and now, I’m looking out the window. Yeah. I’m wasting a lot of time right […]
Most of us use Excel for at least one purpose in our jobs or our daily lives. It originated the idea of digital spreadsheets and remained one of the best spreadsheet apps available to the public. With it, you can keep track of data, look up relevant information, make quick calculations, and even produce charts […]
Thanks to technology, social media and the internet, it’s easy to get distracted today. And these distractions can often lead to hours down the drain—hours that could have been spent being productive. While the digital age has brought an abundance of improvements in the ways we communicate, learn, work, entertain, it’s important not to let […]
There’s a lot to be said for being labeled as a workaholic. After all, we generally get a lot more done than everyone else. However, speaking from my own experience, I might be a workaholic out of necessity rather than by choice. After all, since I am not married and have no kids, there’s nobody […]
Who enjoys being put on hold when you call a business? Did anyone raise their hand? I didn’t think so. The fact is that many people thoroughly dislike being placed on hold when they are on the phone. I don’t blame them. It can feel like a waste of time when there are more important […]
It’s a long held notion that words have power. For the most part it’s true. What other people say to us can have a big and lasting impact on our mood, work, or very lives. But what about what they don’t say? Trying to call, text, or email someone who doesn’t answer can be frustrating […]
Anyone who is honest will probably tell you that they engage in time wasting activities from time to time. However, when it becomes a routine or habit it’s time to take some action. Fortunately, there are 6 ways to kill time wasting activities for good that can help you get back on track. 1. Develop […]
We’re guilty of wasting time. In fact, one survey found that a whooping 89% of employees admitted that they waste time at work every day. Not that that’s always a bad thing. “Wasting time is about recharging your battery and de-cluttering,” says Michael Guttridge, a psychologist who focuses on workplace behavior. There is a thin […]