The Psychological Benefits of Working Less


Sunday, January 26th, 2020

The Psychological Benefits of Working Less

Recently I caught up with a close friend because he recently bought a new home. While it was a painless experience, he did tell me an entertaining story about his younger brother. His little brother graduated from university last spring, and he’s now a part of the daily grind. You know how it is — […]

Chinese Calendar


Friday, January 17th, 2020

Chinese Calendar

What is the Chinese Calendar? The Chinese calendar, like the Hebrew calendar, is a lunisolar calendar. As defined by the Oxford Dictionary, a lunisolar calendar is when a calendar year is divided “according to the phases of the moon, but adjusted in average length to fit the length of the solar cycle.” For those unfamiliar […]

How Do You Make a Productive Calendar?


Tuesday, January 14th, 2020

How Do You Make a Productive Calendar?

Life without a calendar would be chaotic, right? Without it would be like driving to a new destination without directions. You would have absolutely no idea on how to get to Point A to B. As a result, you would get lost, frustrated, and arrive late. But, if you had directions, you would stay on […]

18 Gregorian Calendar Facts You Need to Know


Thursday, January 2nd, 2020

18 Gregorian Calendar Facts You Need to Know

Whether you’re using a paper or electronic calendar, it’s going to be the same calendar that’s been in use since 1582. The same primary Calendar has been used for hundreds of years — and is the most commonly used calendar in the world today. The Calendar is called the Gregorian Calendar. Because this is the […]

12 Mental Health Hacks for Entrepreneurs


Thursday, December 19th, 2019

12 Mental Health Hacks for Entrepreneurs

There’s a mental health crisis among entrepreneurs. And, that shouldn’t be all that surprising. Being an entrepreneur is stressful, full of uncertainty, unhealthy comparisons, and social isolation. So few are using mental health hacks that research conducted by Michael A. Freeman has found that start-up founders are: Twice as likely to suffer from depression. Six […]

Introduction to the Hebrew Calendar: 12 Facts You Should Know


Monday, November 25th, 2019

Introduction to the Hebrew Calendar: 12 Facts You Should Know

It’s not uncommon for calendars, both those used in ancient civilizations to the online calendars we use today, to be based on the Earth’s revolution around the sun. But, other observable phenomena, such as the phases of the moon, have also been used. One long-lasting example of the calendar is the Hebrew Calendar. What’s fascinating […]

How to Create a Calendar in Google Sheets


Monday, November 18th, 2019

How to Create a Calendar in Google Sheets

With a variety of online calendar at your fingertips, creating a calendar using a spreadsheet seems not only antiquated but also a lengthy endeavor. After all, can’t your current calendar be used for whatever’s going on in your life? In most cases, this is true. But, there are always exceptions. Using a spreadsheet is ideal […]

Anxiety’s Impact on Time Management

Time Management

Tuesday, November 12th, 2019

Anxiety’s Impact on Time Management

40 million. That’s how many people age 18 and older are affected by anxiety disorders in the U.S. alone. To put it another way, approximately 18 percent of the population is affected by an anxiety disorder annually, making it the most common mental illness. Anxiety’s impact on time management is significant. Even though struggling with […]

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