Why and How to Sever Ties With Bad Clients

Business Tips

Wednesday, July 17th, 2019

Why and How to Sever Ties With Bad Clients

No founder enjoys losing a client. That goes double when the client has been with the company for years or contributes a large amount of revenue. However, when a client turns toxic or prevents the company from growing, founders have no choice but to cut ties. There are rules of why and how to sever […]

Rules of Time Management are Different for CEOs and Employees

Rules of Time Management are Different for CEOs and Employees

Leaders and their employees have different concepts of time. What’s important to one party is not always a priority to the other. Innocent miscommunications can lead to unnecessary strife, missed deadlines, and unintended insults. Varied time management is critical for CEOs to learn, so they respect the time of their employees without undervaluing their own. […]

How to Break Your Bad Time Management Habits

How to Break Your Bad Time Management Habits

Many founders love to compete on who gets the fewest hours of sleep, who works the longest and who takes the most infrequent vacations. This toxic attitude about time is not only unhealthy but unproductive. Here are some ideas about how to break your bad time management habits. Americans are especially bad about working long […]

7 Concessions Millionaire Founders Don’t Make

Business Tips

Saturday, July 13th, 2019

7 Concessions Millionaire Founders Don’t Make

The quickest path toward wealth is to lead a successful company. Millionaires who “make it” in the business world know plenty about what matters and what doesn’t when it comes to professional success. The people who understand when to double down and when to relent are the people most likely to enjoy long and lucrative […]

7 Reasons Reminders Are Crucial Before Meetings

Meetings, Productivity

Friday, July 12th, 2019

7 Reasons Reminders Are Crucial Before Meetings

Every time I book a trip, I receive a useful reminder, like when my flight departs or when to check in. Since I’m a planner, I already have this information down pat. It’s still nice to ensure everything’s in order. There have been times when life has gotten in the way. An appointment, event, essential […]

5 Ways to Make Your Webinars More Conversational


Thursday, July 11th, 2019

5 Ways to Make Your Webinars More Conversational

When done correctly, webinars are a tired and true way to engage, inform, and generate quality leads for your organization. And, while there are plenty of resources available that can guide you in creating an effective webinar, most gloss over an important detail; your webinar needs to be conversational to make it an unforgettable and […]

How to Stay Productive When You Don’t Have WiFi


Wednesday, July 10th, 2019

How to Stay Productive When You Don’t Have WiFi

We’ve all had it happen. You plan for a busy day with all these items on your to-do list, and the WiFi goes out for most of the day. Or, you’re catching a flight and have plans to work on the plane, but the WiFi connection is spotty. Whether you’re experiencing an outage at your […]

25 Ways to Make Your Meetings Less Productive

Calendar, Meetings, Productivity

Tuesday, July 9th, 2019

25 Ways to Make Your Meetings Less Productive

Unfortunately, we have all sat through meetings that did not accomplish anything. Many of us probably have one or two of these time-wasting meetings on our Calendar. At present, many of our calendars are filled with unproductive meetings, and here are 25 ways to make your meetings less productive. We know the low productivity meeting […]

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