PTO requests can spike during the summer, holidays, or a particularly sunny day. As a result, this can feel like a tidal wave for HR professionals and managers. Fortunately, you don’t need to sacrifice your productivity or sanity to navigate this peak. PTO 101 In the United States, small businesses are not required to offer […]
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It’s no secret everyone has a lot going on. As such, finding work-life harmony in your calendar is seemingly impossible to accomplish. You’re constantly running from work to a social gathering before trying to catch up on chores. You end the day exhausted with what feels like a million things left unfinished. Simply put, you […]
Traditionally, productivity is defined as the amount of work produced in a given time period. In today’s world, however, this definition is no longer relevant. After all, it is increasingly difficult to focus on one task at a time due to a flood of information and distractions. In addition, we must be able to manage […]
In October, we celebrate National Work and Family Month, a time to prioritize doing what one loves and caring for others. You can do this by caring for yourself or making quality time for your loved ones. In some cases, it could mean starting or growing a family according to your own schedule. Nowadays, though, […]
Many people are faced with deciding whether to concentrate on their careers or their families. Each case requires a different approach. Each person has his or her own opinion about what is the best option. The good news? It’s possible to be an entrepreneur parent, and excel at both. Throughout this blog post, I will […]
Are you a parent? If so, I don’t have to remind you how chaotic the month of May can be. With end-of-year parties, proms, sports banquets, last-minute school projects, recitals, productions, and graduations, your children’s schedule is jam-packed. But that’s not all. Aside from your work commitments, social events like weddings and holidays like Mother’s […]
Would you like to kick off the new year with a bang? Getting your life into a balanced state is a great place to start. Let’s take on this challenge of having a balanced life — and make 2023 the best year yet. To those who are unfamiliar with the concept, balancing work and life […]
Despite the misconception that we’re lazy or entitled, we work a lot. The U.S. could be considered the most overworked nation in the world. But with little to show for it. Don’t believe so? Here are a few data points that compare us with our peers worldwide. There are laws setting a maximum work week […]
For most of us, there’s nothing more meaningful than family and business in life. But, unfortunately, both require a lot from a person. And as a result, it can be challenging to balance them. Unfortunately, life doesn’t come with a manual for being a working parent. And this is especially true for “parentrepreneurs.” As an […]
Although this may seem like a modern concept, “work-life balance” was popularized in the 1970s and 80s. The idea? Stressed baby boomers were attempting to balance work, family, and other things. However, due to shifting generational experiences, HR leaders have reevaluated the term. According to Forbes, Gen X is big on balance, […]