3 Bad Habits You Need to Drop if You Want to Stay Organized

Business Tips

Thursday, April 12th, 2018

3 Bad Habits You Need to Drop if You Want to Stay Organized

If you’re like most entrepreneurs or business professionals, you probably have a million things going on. Whether you’re balancing multiple gigs or multiple positions within the same job, it can be difficult to stay organized. When I launched my first company, me and my co-founders were as fresh as they come. That said, we had […]

4 Ways You’re Wasting Valuable Time at Work

Business Tips

Wednesday, April 11th, 2018

4 Ways You’re Wasting Valuable Time at Work

In my opinion, time is your most valuable asset. The greatest thing about time is that it’s distributed equally amongst everyone. While there are inequities in just about every other aspect in life, time will never be one of them. It’s how we spend it that makes all the difference. So are you wasting valuable […]

How to Differentiate Important Projects from Everything Else

Business Tips

Tuesday, April 10th, 2018

How to Differentiate Important Projects from Everything Else

As a business owner, you likely have a lot of things competing for your attention. In the beginning stages, it seems as if everything is important. The problem is taking on everything wastes both time and money. That’s why business owners need to learn how to differentiate important projects from everything else. How Taking on […]

How to Stay Organized During a Busy Travel Schedule

Business Tips

Monday, April 9th, 2018

How to Stay Organized During a Busy Travel Schedule

At the time of writing this, it looks like I’m going to be traveling for client work this month. I will also be traveling to a business retreat the following month and a wedding the month after that.  After taking a hiatus from traveling, it seems as if I once again have a busy travel […]

4 Reasons Why You Should Start a Business When You’re Young

Business Tips

Friday, April 6th, 2018

4 Reasons Why You Should Start a Business When You’re Young

If you’ve ever wanted to start a business, you’re certainly not alone. Whether you think of the next best thing in tech or an easier way to deliver pizzas, the opportunities are truly endless. What separates the “wantrepreneurs” from the entrepreneurs is action. A great idea is worthless without execution. So when’s the best time […]

4 Mental Habits That Will Help You Manage Your Emotions

Business Tips

Thursday, April 5th, 2018

4 Mental Habits That Will Help You Manage Your Emotions

Starting a business with family or friends can be tough. It’s tough because it’s hard to remove emotions from regular business dealings. And we all know mixing emotions and business can lead to some bad decisions. Anger is one of the most powerful human emotions. For some, it can completely inhibit their ability to make […]

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