Cultivating Calm: A Guide for Stress Awareness Month


Monday, April 1st, 2024

Cultivating Calm: A Guide for Stress Awareness Month

Observed since 1992, National Stress Awareness Month aims to raise awareness of the causes and strategies for coping with stress. Furthermore, people are encouraged to raise awareness about current myths and misconceptions about stress and share information about the dangers of stress. In April, we observe Stress Awareness Month, a time to reflect on stress’s […]

Planning a Stress-Free Thanksgiving


Wednesday, November 1st, 2023

Planning a Stress-Free Thanksgiving

For me, Thanksgiving always stands as a beacon of warmth and togetherness as the aroma of turkey, sweet potatoes, and freshly baked pies flows through the house. But before you get to all the merriment — planning a big feast can be stressful. However, with some planning and preparation, you can turn Thanksgiving from a […]

12 Ways to Stay Energized This Holiday Season


Monday, December 12th, 2022

12 Ways to Stay Energized This Holiday Season

You may be running on fumes by mid-December. Your schedule is probably a little hectic between buying gifts, decorating, attending holiday parties, cooking, and wrapping up your end-of-year work obligations. During the holidays, it’s not surprising to find many people’s stress levels increasing rather than decreasing, according to YouGov America. Additionally, one in three Americans […]

How to Recover From Burnout – Even When You’re Toast


Wednesday, August 31st, 2022

How to Recover From Burnout – Even When You’re Toast

It’s no secret that burnout is a common problem among most of us. But, COVID-19 introduced new stressors to nearly every aspect of life, from working longer hours to increased work and at-home demands. Moreover, because work and life are no longer separated, burnout is on the rise. Simply put, burnout and stress are everywhere. […]

12 Stress Busters to Put You at Ease


Sunday, May 30th, 2021

12 Stress Busters to Put You at Ease

Congratulations America. We’re the most stressed nation in the world. In fact, 55% of adults in the U.S. reported that they experienced stress during “a lot of the day” — compared to 35% globally. And, stress has become even more overwhelming in the midst of COVD-19. To be fair, stress is inevitable. While eating healthy, […]

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