Okay, so it isn’t January first, but you can always get better and more advanced with your Calendar. Whether you are managing your Calendar with ease or struggling to keep up, there is room for improvement. The simplest tricks can help to improve your Calendar habits significantly.

Try out a few (or all) of these eight tips to create better Calendar habits for the upcoming year.

1. Remember to Put Everything on Your Calendar

The simplest and most effective trick to use your Calendar more effectively is actually to use it. It is so easy to assume that you will remember dates and events in your head, especially smaller things. However, it is challenging for anyone to remember absolutely everything.

Although we all wish we could remember the little details of life, sometimes it is easy to forget. The worst things that can happen are that you accidentally double-book yourself or you realize you missed the event after it already happened.

Forgetting things can happen to the best of us but using your Calendar is an excellent way to keep track of everything. Even if the task or event seems like a small detail or unforgettable event, just put it on your Calendar. Once you keep everything on your calendar, it is doubtful that you will accidentally double-book yourself or forget about the detail because your Calendar will be there to remind you.

2. Create Priorities

Many of us get pulled in a thousand different directions including the ever-expanding list of responsibilities at work, family commitments, and keeping your sanity. It can seem like you physically do not have the time to fit everything on your Calendar.

It is possible that you do not have time to absolutely everything, but you likely have time to complete everything that matters. You will need to take a closer look at your goals and decide which tasks are a priority. Once you have determined your priorities, keep that in mind as you put things onto your Calendar. If you can focus on the priority goals and tasks, then your Calendar will allow you to be more productive overall.

3. Plan for Downtime

No one can work all day every day. Although some of us wish for the superhuman strength to push out even more work through longer days, it may not be a sustainable choice for everyone.

Of course, each person has different needs for their downtime. However, it is essential that you remember to take the downtime that you need. The amount of downtime you need and the activities you do during your downtime are entirely up to you. A few good options include taking a nap, getting outside, exercising, or cooking your favorite meal.

The downtime you need is vital to your overall health and wellbeing. To make your downtime happen on a regular basis, schedule it into your Calendar. Physically having downtime scheduled on your Calendar may motivate you to take the downtime that you need.

4. Create a Morning Routine (and Stick to It)

It is difficult to have a successful day that accomplishes everything you wanted to if you get off to a bad start. For many, bad mornings can quickly turn into unproductive days. One way to combat this is by creating a healthy and consistent morning routine. Once you create a great morning routine, you may be able to accomplish more on your Calendar by setting yourself up for a good day every day. Be realistic about what you can achieve each morning to start your day.

A few ideas to make a better start to your day would include making breakfast, taking a few minutes to read, working out, and tidying up your home. The little things can help you to feel readier for the day ahead. Once you hit the ground running with the first thing on your Calendar, you’ll be prepared to tackle the task with vigor. It is a small adjustment to your day that can help you to improve your own morale.

5. Remember That Quality Work Takes Time

“Rome was not built in a day” is not just an ancient French proverb, it is a statement that holds true today. It is not possible to accomplish your lofty goals will be performed in only one day because it takes time. When you attend a meeting for a larger project, you should not be frustrated that you did not complete the entire project in one sitting. Likewise, you should not be upset if you cannot accomplish a significant goal in just one day.

Keep this in mind as you put things on your Calendar. Be realistic about the amount of time a large goal will take. Try to give yourself the appropriate amount of time to complete your target in a great way. Otherwise, you may be frustrated when you inevitably need to adjust your Calendar down the line.

6. Eliminate Distractions

When you have an essential task on your Calendar, make sure to remove distractions. If you continue to work with the distractions, you are likely to be less productive. A simple way to do this is to ignore your email, phone calls, texts, and other notifications while working on an important task. Eliminating distractions is a great way to increase your overall productivity quickly and painlessly.

7. Schedule Self-Care Time

You are your most important resource. If you do not take care of yourself, then you will not be able to work through your Calendar effectively. Schedule time for yourself that is strictly to take care of you. There are no rules when it comes to self-care. Just make the time to take care of your body.

Being kind to yourself includes remembering to make (and attend) regular checkups with your doctor, stress-relieving activities, and more. Anything that is vital to your well-being should always have a place on your Calendar. Resist the urge to push back self-care activities to get more done. In the end, you need to keep your body healthy and happy to accomplish more overall.

8. Do Not Overbook Yourself

Try not to overload your work schedule on a regular basis. We all have weeks that are filled to the breaking point with meetings and tasks. Although it can be difficult, attempt to limit a back-breaking schedule. You simply cannot do everything at once. If you overbook yourself, then you will likely be unable to accomplish everything.

Putting These Tips into Practice

All of these simple and practical tips seem easy to put into practice. However, everything is easier said than done. Make an effort to implement these tips into your Calendar habits. Even if you only change a few things, you may be able to create a more effective and enjoyable Calendar.