How to Fit Wellness into a Busy Schedule

Business Tips, Productivity

Tuesday, April 24th, 2018

How to Fit Wellness into a Busy Schedule

I have a busy schedule. I’m sure you’re busy too. Because of this, it’s easy to let important things like our own wellness into our calendars. The downside of this is if we’re not taking care of ourselves, then it’s likely that we don’t feel well. If we don’t feel well, then we don’t have […]

What to Do When Your Calendar is Too Full


Thursday, March 15th, 2018

What to Do When Your Calendar is Too Full

Time is thought by many to be even more valuable than money. It’s certainly true that while we can make more money we can’t make more time. Everyone gets the same 24 hours, or 86,400 seconds, in each day. However, it seems that some people can’t get enough time in their day to get everything […]

7 Things You Need In a Blog Editorial Calendar


Wednesday, February 7th, 2018

7 Things You Need In a Blog Editorial Calendar

While teaching a class for my group coaching students, the subject of a blog editorial calendar came up. Many of the students are interested in increasing their visibility online and at the end of the day that requires content. That also means they need to stay organized and consistent. I decided to create and share […]

10 Calendar Best Practices to Keep You Organized


Monday, January 15th, 2018

10 Calendar Best Practices to Keep You Organized

While organizing your calendar is something we all know that we should do, it’s usually a task that end-up brushing off. As a result, we end-up having days filled with overlapping meetings and to-do-lists that don’t get completed. In other words, keeping your calendar organized allows for having more smooth and productive days. Use these […]

4 Methods to Control Your Calendar Before It Controls You


Monday, December 18th, 2017

4 Methods to Control Your Calendar Before It Controls You

Over the course of my career I’ve learned a lot about the importance of time management. How you as a business owner should control your calendar. Early on, I woke-up whenever I wanted and didn’t put an emphasis on my priorities. This pretty much resulted in aimlessly wandering through my days like a walker on […]

Can Calendar Reminders Increase Efficiency?


Friday, November 24th, 2017

Can Calendar Reminders Increase Efficiency?

Reducing the costs of doing business can increase the net profits of that business. Fortunately, there are a variety of ways to go about lowering costs. Cutting down on the amount of supplies a business uses is one way is to lower costs. Another is to stretch the length of time between purchases of business […]

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