What do you do when you need extra money in your budget? You could cut down on monthly spending to save money. For instance you could eat out less, lower your grocery costs, and turn up your thermostat. But you could approach the problem from the other direction as well. In other words, instead of […]
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Many people say you can’t teach entrepreneurship. This is partially true. Yes I do agree that in order to become a better entrepreneur you need to learn from experience. I also agree that there are plenty of lessons you can learn from those who’ve tried before you. These lessons will help you expand your knowledge […]
The path of an entrepreneur is anything but straightforward. It’s without a doubt one of the toughest careers you can choose. The only person who dictates what happens in your future is you. The only way to set yourself up for success is to stay focused and maximize each and every day. That’s not always […]
Setting goals is essential to living a life full of purpose and meaning. If you can set achievable goals, you will stay motivated and focused over the long-term. Nearly everything in business and life revolves around goal setting. They can be simple like waking up an hour earlier than you normally do. Or they can […]
When you become an entrepreneur, TGIF may not hold the same meaning it once had when you had a 9-5. Many business owners find themselves working weekends in order to keep up or get ahead. Running a business can be rewarding but also stressful and time-consuming especially if you have a lot of responsibilities on […]
Productivity is an interesting concept. What does it truly mean to be productive? Sure you may have worked for 14 hours straight but what did you accomplish? Was the work you did directly aligned with accomplishing your goals? These are all questions you must ask yourself at the end of the day to truly understand […]
When I worked for an employer, during my first week of training my manager asked me to create an email folder titled ‘canned responses’. I had no idea what that meant. I filled it with the email messages I was told to place there and went on about the rest of my training week. I […]
The days of the workforce going in nine to five every day is becoming a thing of the past. More and more people are taking matters into their own hands and becoming their own boss. Whether they decide to take on a freelance career or launch their own business, the idea of working for themselves […]
Truthfully there is no blueprint to success. Everyone is dealt a different set of cards under unique circumstances. While there are plenty of strategies you can use and people you can learn from, you’ll only be successful if you put in the work. It’s common to look at other successful entrepreneurs and come up with […]
Going into business for yourself is a big deal. There’s always a long to-do list and you’ll find yourself wearing many different hats from time to time. Your business is more of a hobby if you’re not making money. Properly managing and organizing your small business finances can contribute to the success of your business […]