I’ve been staring at this screen for what seems like an hour. Instead of cranking out this article, I check the lineup for my fantasy baseball team, started reading a Teddy Roosevelt biography, watched a couple of Ted Ed videos, and now, I’m looking out the window. Yeah. I’m wasting a lot of time right […]
Time Management
Time is something we all wish we had more of. While more hours will never be added to the clock, follow the tips in these blog posts to carve out more time to get more done, stick to the schedule, and balance your work and personal moments.- Home
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Most offices are inherently unproductive, or at least aren’t achieving their full productive potential. This isn’t the fault of any one person, nor is it immediately noticeable. In fact, many office managers and entrepreneurs believe their office is running smoothly. When in fact, many hours are being wasted on unproductive tasks. Time is your most […]
This month, I wrote a giant to-do list. I split it up into two sections – one for tasks that needed to get done ASAP and the other side for tasks that could get done sometime this month. I was on track with being productive and crossing things off during the first week. However, I […]
When you enter the workforce, few days become nearly as exciting as payday. While it feels good to get paid for your hard work, you only get paid for the results you produce when you have a business. Hourly and salaried employees are often guaranteed pay even if they had a few days that weren’t […]
It may be tempting to blame others when we feel crunched for time. The reality is that how we spend or waste time is of our own choosing. You can certainly choose to binge-watch TV all day instead of working on that assignment. That’s all you, and no one else. Learning how to manage your time doesn’t […]
Never underestimate the power of time management. Without it, you’ll miss deadlines, deliver sub-par work, gain a bad reputation, increase your stress levels, and fail to achieve a work-life balance. But, isn’t time management a personal responsibility? As a leader, you’re in charge of getting your team to do their best work promptly. So, time […]
Freelancers are the kings and queens of time management. While office workers play the 9-to-5 game and founders juggle everything from board meetings to product launches, freelancers strive to maximize the ratio of dollars paid to hours worked. Founders might be the busiest people on the planet, but that doesn’t mean they’re the best at […]
Entrepreneurs lead busy lives — often, busier than they should. In an opinion piece for the New York Times last year, Dan Lyons argued that the focus on “hustle” in startup culture is both unnecessary and dangerous. As new information continues to mount, smart entrepreneurs schedule differently. But it is also worth a look at […]
From regulating your mood to increasing alertness and productivity, getting a good night’s sleep is crucial. By developing the right bedtime habits to help you fall and stay asleep, you’re setting yourself up for success in both work and life. And these habits can be as simple as taking a shower or turning down the […]
I recently spotted a Gallup poll that reported that 41 percent of Americans feel that they don’t have enough time to do everything they want to do. From the CEO to any employee, to the stay at home mom/dad — if you don’t feel you have enough time to get all of your things done […]