11 Surprising Factors that Can Affect Productivity


Wednesday, June 6th, 2018

11 Surprising Factors that Can Affect Productivity

Productivity is something many employers look for in their current staff as well as in new hires. If employees are productive it costs the business less to achieve the same results. But productivity depends on many different factors. For instance, whether or not the employee is managing time wisely can impact productivity. So can their […]

6 People You Need to Hire So You Don’t Go Crazy


Tuesday, June 5th, 2018

6 People You Need to Hire So You Don’t Go Crazy

As solopreneurs, we’re tempted to want to do everything ourselves. In fact, it’s become cool to call yourself a “solopreneur” in the last few years. I believe that what was meant to refer to small business has been a bit misconstrued into “do it all yourself.” The reality is this doesn’t work. You need to […]

9 Public Speaking Tips to Help You Prepare for Any Occasion

Business Tips

Monday, June 4th, 2018

9 Public Speaking Tips to Help You Prepare for Any Occasion

Whether you’re speaking at a conference or presenting to a group of co-workers, whatever the scenario might be, it’s important to have stellar communication and public speaking skills. Because how you present yourself to an audience — any audience — can say a lot about you and can also mold the way people view you. […]

How to Increase Revenue Without Working More Hours

Business Tips

Wednesday, May 30th, 2018

How to Increase Revenue Without Working More Hours

I’m writing this article on a Friday. Fridays are usually the day I check in on my numbers in my accounting software. This morning I learned that in the last 12 months, I was able to increase revenue by $30,000. Not only that, but this was done while working less hours, traveling, moving and dealing […]

How to Make Your Emails More Effective


Tuesday, May 29th, 2018

How to Make Your Emails More Effective

When email first gained popularity about twenty plus years ago, the business world quickly realized its value. Sending nearly instantaneous messages to colleagues they could read at their convenience was a major time saver. Of course, over time email systems have evolved and changed beyond just sending a simple message to someone.  But as wonderful […]

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