To be successful at any job, whether you own it or not, is dependent on more than one thing. Earning a decent wage for what you do and being respected by others are a couple of them. Another is having a good work ethic. But one of the keys to success that is a common […]
As the engine of customer, revenue, and profitability, productivity drives success. Check out these hacks and tips to accelerate how much you achieve each day.- Home
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Have you considered joining a coworking space? After all, they seem to be popping up everywhere. Coworking spaces have also become synonymous with startup culture. The truth is there are pros and cons to joining a coworking space. Take it from me, I was a member of one for two years and recently canceled my […]
When I first became self-employed, I was excited about the idea of being able to work from home. I’m sure the thought of being able to avoid a hectic daily commute, work in your pajamas, and perhaps even catch a daytime talk show sounds pretty appealing to most people. A few weeks ago, I stopped working […]
I’m currently experiencing a conundrum that is very common among business owners. I have so much client work and success and practically no time to build a brand. It’s a Catch 22 because it’s my brand that gets me all this work in the first place. Additionally, businesses always need to work to build a […]
Growing your business can often include travel which can be exciting but hectic at the same time. Whenever I travel, I always feel flustered and super behind on business tasks during and after the trip. According to a study conducted by CWT Solutions Group, the average time lost doing productive work was an average of 7 hours. […]
A part of running a successful business is knowing when it’s time to fire a client. After all, clients who no longer work for us only get in the way of our productivity. If the client is really bad then they keep us from making money and stress us out. Lately, I’ve helped several students […]
A good night’s sleep is critical to productivity and ultimately, success. And a lack of sleep can result in poor performance at work, lower energy levels, forgetfulness and serious health conditions like heart disease and high blood pressure. So, if you’re not getting enough sleep at night, it might be time to start. Sleep is […]
I am often asked how I’m able to get so much done in such few hours a day. In fact, the students in my six-week group coaching program are constantly asking me for my productivity secrets. In case you don’t know, I work fewer hours than ever while earning more money than ever. My last […]
As the weather turns nicer and the birds start to sing it makes working indoors feel a bit confining. You may long to spend time in the great outdoors and soak up a little sun. It’s similar to what school children experience when they get spring fever. Their feet dance under their desks and they […]
Seeking inspiration? Look no further. The perfect people to turn to are those who have successfully tackled time management in their own lives and gone on to do great things. Just take a look at Warren Buffett, Sheryl Sandberg or Bill Gates. According to billionaire investor Warren Buffett, time management is all about saying “no.” […]