8 Mental Hacks to Regain Your Motivation and Passion


Monday, October 23rd, 2017

8 Mental Hacks to Regain Your Motivation and Passion

You wake-up bright and early. You have every intention to kill it today. Then, three hours later, you realize that you’ve accomplished absolutely nothing. What’s the deal? To be fair, we all have one of those days when we’re not a peak performance. And, that’s alright. But, if this becomes a chronic problem, then you’ve […]

Deciding on the Best Approach to Appointments on Your Calendar


Monday, October 16th, 2017

Deciding on the Best Approach to Appointments on Your Calendar

Appointments. They’re a big deal if you want your business to thrive — regardless if you’re a freelancer, consultant, personal trainer, or electrician. After all, without properly scheduling and managing your appointments how can you effectively run your business. But what is the best approach to appointments on your calendar? Think about it. If you’re […]

Clearing The Clutter From Your Calendar


Monday, October 9th, 2017

Clearing The Clutter From Your Calendar

Do you ever have those mornings when you wake-up and dread looking at your calendar? It’s not because you’re being lazy. It’s because you know it’s jam-packed and bursting at the seams, which is never good for your productivity. Clearing the clutter from your calendar can seem impossible at times. If you’re tired of those […]

Why 5:15 a.m. is the Most Productive Time of My Day


Monday, September 18th, 2017

Why 5:15 a.m. is the Most Productive Time of My Day

I guarantee that you’ve heard the old adage “the early bird catches the worm.” It’s been proven that there’s some truth to that. That catchy phrase may be why the most successful people in the world wake-up incredibly early. The reason? Early risers are more productive. But, how early should you set your alarm? I used […]

Knowing The Difference Between Happy And Satisfied…And Being Both


Monday, August 28th, 2017

Knowing The Difference Between Happy And Satisfied…And Being Both

What makes an individual happy? What makes a person feel satisfied? Can someone be satisfied even if they’re not happy, or will they find happiness even when they’re not completely satisfied? Knowing the difference between happy and satisfied can be tricky. Throughout life, we strive for happiness while also having wants that need to be satisfied. […]

10 Ways to Design a Happy Life in the Business World


Thursday, August 10th, 2017

10 Ways to Design a Happy Life in the Business World

Jim Rohn once said, “Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it’s something you design for the present.” But how did he design a happy life? That’s all well and good. But, isn’t that easier said than done – especially when there are daily roadblocks preventing you from becoming the happy individual that you […]

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